NOMAD mobile is a 7 m² large drivable office and living space for two people. The new unit is built on the bed of an old car trailer. It is wood cladded and painted with long-lasting, traditional and sustainable wood tar paint. On the sides and rear of the unit are large polycarbonate windows which provide plenty of daylight, as well as reduce the weight of the trailer for more efficient and safe driving.
The worktable for two stands at the rear of the trailer at the largest window. Fresh air can be provided by the manually regulatable ventilation hatches on both sides of the table or, during warm weather, both doors can be opened to allow for cross ventilation. Five solar lamps are making use of the large amount of daylight at the table and provide sufficient light in the evening. At the front of the trailer is the living zone with sofa-bed and storage possibilities. The both lower shelves for storing bed sheets and the bedside table can be accessed when the sofa is folded out as bed. Above is one bookshelf and two shelves with ten storage boxes for other items such as clothes, dishes, etc. A large yellow thermal curtain can cover the side windows, as well as divide the working and living zone. It can be fully closed around the bed and minimises temperature fluctuations during cold nights or sunny mornings. In cold weather the curtain can be also used as windbreak to create a smaller entry zone and keep the warmth in the trailer. The small space is sufficiently insulated with ten centimetres of wood fibre insulation in floor and ceiling and five in the walls.